Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday My Friend

Three days ago was my twentieth birthday. And for some reason, turning twenty is an odd thought for me. For one, I'm not in my teens anymore so I'm unsure of whether or not I have to grow up now; stop acting like a child and start taking responsibility for my actions. And for another, more depressing thought, I'm so close to the legal drinking age, but it feels so far away.

Because of this little legal issue, twenty can be a very sad age for anyone. But I'm going to try to make the best of it. So, feeling that I haven't accomplished anything or done anything remotely interesting and to make it through this year, I've decided to start and complete a list of 21 things to do before I turn 21. Twenty-one things that I've never done before so that maybe I might feel a bit more interesting. I know, a self-esteem issue.

So the list, in no particular order, is as follows:
  1. Start blogging.
  2. Get into a university.

  3. Go on a road trip.

  4. Go sky diving.

  5. Paint a self-portrait.

  6. Get a body wax.

  7. Go to a protest.

  8. Compose an entire piece of music.

  9. Save a life.

  10. Reconnect with an old friend.

  11. Steal a street sign that says "Clinton" on it.

  12. Give a sperm donation.

  13. Go a week without spending money.

  14. Learn how to say "hello" in twenty different languages.

  15. Have my future read.

  16. Meet a celebrity.

  17. Sew or knit something.

  18. Donate a complete check to charity.

  19. Fly somewhere, anywhere.
  20. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

  21. Discover the meaning of life.

So there it is. Looking at it now seems overwhelming and altogether impossible. But I'm going to give it my best effort, something I've never done before. And I'll be sure to keep you updated. Wish me luck...

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